Quarterly Reports

Welcome to the Canberra Innovation Network’s quarterly reporting. As a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in the ACT, the Canberra Innovation Network is dedicated to providing valuable resources and support for the ACT innovation community.

In our quarterly reports we share highlights of our performance metrics, including important data on events, programs, engagement, testimonials and other key ecosystem performance indicators.

These reports offer insights into how our network is growing and evolving, and demonstrate the value for money we deliver to our foundation members, ACT Government and our Gold Partenrs and community, building on our commitment to transparency and accountability.

Whether you’re a current member of our network or you are simply curious about the latest developments in Canberra’s innovation scene, this page shares our quarterly report, latest trends and ecosystem data.

Quarterly Report Q3 2023/24

Q3 infographics
Q3 Testimonials

Q2 2023/24

Q1 2023/24

Q4 2022/23

Q3 2022/23