Applications on our mobiles are a great way to stay connected and pass the time whether it be social media, games, podcasts – the list is endless. There are some apps however that make our lives more productive and interesting.

We spoke to the Entry29 entrepreneurs to find out their must have apps right now:

  1. Asana

Asana is an app that allows you to manage projects and tasks all in one place. Through the application you can share team updates, allocate work for teammates, share ideas, and track performance of the workspace. Used by our entrepreneurs, it allows for group projects to be posted and tracked by the team.

  1. Blinkist

Blinkist takes the key information out of nonfiction books and creates 15-minute summaries in either text or audio. Perfect to listen to books by professionals, industry related books, or to learn new things – our entrepreneurs use the app to gain knowledge and ideas without having to reading hundreds of pages in full books.

  1. Calm

Winner of 2017’s App of the Year by Apple, Calm is a guided relaxation and meditation app to help relieve stress, lower anxiety, help you sleep better, and allocate time to relax during the day. Great for people who are always busy and always moving, it helps create down time for yourself.

  1. Medium

Medium is a network of opinion pieces, in depth reports, interviews, and industry related content that is created by its users. It allows conversations from people about anything. The perfect way to catch up on what is happening in the world whether it be tech, news, opinion pieces, or spaces to watch.

  1. Monefy

Monefy is a personal finance application that makes tracking your money simple easy to understand. Through setting up custom categories, for example expenses, you can track and input incoming and spending easily. For SME’s and entrepreneurs, it makes the money side of the work that much easier.

Has an app ever changed your life? What’s your favourite at the moment? Let us know! #CBRIN

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