Woman in Innovation: Cayce Hill
"I want to live in a better world so I have to get my hands dirty."

Each Wednesday we interview women in our community about innovation and what drives them to make a difference in their industries everyday!

What are you working on?
For the past two years, I have reinvested funds from my Hip Hop dances classes back into the community by creating a communal space for arts, business, recreation, and leisure. I called it the Funhouse and have since gone on to support young people specifically to become involved in running their own projects in the space. For a teeny tiny community like ours, the sheer volume of creative output has been astounding.

Why is innovation important to you?
It’s not just important, it’s super fun. I think risk-taking, challenging yourself to come up with something new – a first for the world – is an integral part of human nature. I think we love making things, I know I do. It’s super rewarding.

What drives you to make a difference?
You hear it all the time – be the change you want to see in the world. It’s not enough to sit back and wish that things were different. It’s cliché but maybe I’m just impatient on top of it? I want to live in a better world so I have to get my hands dirty.

Do you have any advice for getting more women into the innovation ecosystem?
Just do it, don’t take no for an answer, believe in yourself above all! This doesn’t just apply to women, it is advice for everyone and anyone who feels different. Use that difference. Grow from it!

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