As everyone is shifting online, it gives people the opportunity to experiment with different tools and formats. This evolution is critical in any business and for the Canberra Innovation Network shifting our face to face workshops into a short and sharp webinar provided a new opportunity to connect with entrepreneurs near and far.

As the name suggests these innovation challenges are held every week on a Wednesday at 2.00pm and this week we learnt about how to create new ideas, and in times like these – new ideas are needed more than ever.

So, how do you do it? Here is a recap of some of the most important takeaways from the online webinar.

Enter: Ideation phase.

What is the problem you are trying to solve? What challenge are you facing?

These are great questions. Brainstorming some ideas on a problem you’re faced with, encourages creative thinking.

“When you think you have run out of ideas, that is when you keep going. Don’t stop.”
Petr Adamek

Ok, you now have the world’s next BEST idea – what do you do next? You need to make sure there are customers who have the problem you are trying to solve of course! How do you find out? By following the Value Proposition canvas. This tool enables you to dive into who these people are, what they expect and if your solution actually matches the problem as they see it.

“Your customers aren’t your friends and family, find people you don’t know and let them tell you what they want.” – Dr Craig Davis

You have a great idea, you think you have an answer to your identified customer, so now what? This is where you apply the ‘Puppy Principle’, for those of you who are unaware – apologies in advance. You’ve become attached to your solution “the puppy” and you are under false pretences that everyone else also loves your solution “the puppy” and you are worried people may tell you that your puppy isn’t that cute.

How do you overcome this predicament and prepare? Test your idea by asking open ended questions and listening to what your customers are saying. Don’t show them the solution and find out what they really care about.

Talk to 10 customers, refine and repeat. Keep repeating until you have enough evidence that your customer needs your solution.

So, what happens next? Well, you need to tune into next week to find out!

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